Applications for full-time Executive Director of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial open through September 16

Saint-Gaudens Medal


The Saint-Gaudens Medal was established in 1988 and is awarded from time to time to “such persons who, by their talents and beneficence, have made a distinguished contribution to the arts in America in the high tradition of Augustus Saint-Gaudens.” Our practice is to award the medal to those whose efforts have added to our knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Saint-Gaudens and the Cornish Colony.

The silver medal pictured above was designed in 1992 by artist Robert W. White (1921–2002). Bobby White was a long-time trustee of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial and a grandson of the architect Stanford White, who frequently collaborated with Saint-Gaudens.


Harold Holzer, 2023 recipient of the Saint-Gaudens Medal