Holly Alderman is a photographer and artist who uses colorful and striking murals, banners and paintings, to decorate large indoor and outdoor spaces. Using digital printing techniques on panels of fine silk or paper, Alderman creates multi-layered scenes of such images as gardens, architecture and artwork.
For this exhibit, Alderman’s banners depict the beautiful gardens and sculpture found at the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site. Fascinated by layers of meaning in literature, theater, film and history, she uses art and photography to transport the viewer to a new frontier of imagination by composing art in layers. She believes that to the view, her artwork can reveal why a special place can inspire passionate attachment and confer special personal and cultural identity. Her banners of Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site reflect her impressions of walking around the statues, gardens, studios and cultural landscape of the park.
Alderman studied art at Harvard College and later public murals at the National Academy in New York as a mural fellow. She currently teaches a course on Public Murals fo rthe Cambridge Center for Adult Education, and gives illustrated talks on public murals around the country and the world.
May 26 - October 31, 2007