Applications for full-time Executive Director of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial open through September 16

David Shaw

David Shaw, Hang-Ups and Xs


David Shaw

Hang-Ups and Xs

May 23 – July 5, 2015


The Trustees of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial are proud to present David Shaw’s exhibition Hang-Ups and Xs, at the Saint-Gaudens Picture Gallery.


The exhibition consists of sculpture — some hanging from the ceiling, some displayed on the floor — which combine natural, found, elements likes fallen branches, with manmade materials such as holographic laminate. These materials allow the artist to explore the friction between the natural and the artificial, while at the same time producing seductive, hybrid structures in which the disparate materials appear to fuse seamlessly. As the hanging work moves, various aspects of the work are revealed, suggesting glimpses of something seen and not quite seen all at once.  To quote The New York Times, in a review of Shaw’s 2013 exhibition at Feature, Inc., the work « prompts reflection on nature and culture, consciousness and chemistry, science and sorcery and perception and reality.


David Shaw (b. 1965) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. His work has been the subject of 14 one-person shows, and he was the recent recipient of a grant from the Nancy Graves Foundation.

A recent write-up on Shaw’s work and Brooklyn studio can be found at