Applications for full-time Executive Director of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial open through September 16

Ann Carlson and Mary Ellen Strom

Sloss, Kerr, Rosenberg & Moore, 2007
Made with four practicing New York City attorneys John Sloss, Chet Kerr, Scott Rosenberg, and Thomas Moore. This work features the lawyers performing a movement and vocal score that references their work and lives. The rythmic sequences illustrate the performative aspects of litigating, the pressures experienced while working inside the judicial system, the contest, the service and ultimately the lawyers’ individual humanity. Highly formal in its spatial design and patterning, the work becomes a kind of twenty-first century folk dance.

Four Parallel Lines, 2007
Features four laborers, Jose Bautista, Joel Gomez, Lisandrow Vicente, and Carlos Hernandez. The installation strives to engage the spectator both viscerally and critically by presenting intimate views through portaiture and an immersive, physical experience through landscape.

  • Exhibition

  • July 14 - August 19, 2007

  • 2006 Saint-Gaudens Fellows

  • Program